Teachers told to ‘contribute’ for primary school games - Best School Kumbakonam Best internationsl Schools in Kumbakonam The School Education Department is holding block-level primary school games but in a few schools, teachers have been told to contribute money for it. For instance, in Malout block of Muktsar district, primary teachers have reportedly been told to give Rs 100 each, head teachers to give Rs 300 each and centre head teachers to give Rs 1,000 each. A centre head teacher is one who looks after four-five schools. The situation is same in neighbouring Bathinda district, where the teachers have reportedly been told to contribute Rs 300 each. A primary schoolteacher of Muktsar district told The Tribune, “It is an unethical practice to collect money from teachers to hold the games. Further, the facilities provided to the students never match the funds procured from the teachers. We are always told to contribute money for the games, but the orders never come i...