Best Matriculation School in Kumbakonam
Today schools offer computer networks and
Internet access to enable teachers and students to
communicate online, and software solutions
which in most cases are offered for doing online
or distance learning. However, most of today’s
schools are still deficient in software solutions
for their administration and management issues.
Educational institutions rapidly deploy Internet
and Information technologies to enhance the
collaboration of teachers, parents and students, to
enhance the teaching and learning process and
less for school management and administration.
Even though, there is a number of electronic
administration software solutions for schools
listed in the literature. Just some of those will be
shortly described.
Apple Power School’s developed by Apple
Inc. to enhance teaching and learning through
technology. It’s a web-based solution to provide
K-12 administrators, teachers, students and
parents with secure, up-to-the-minute
information on student performance including
grades, homework and attendance over the
Jenzabar Campus provides components for
students, financial, institutional advancement,
HR, finance and management reporting [3].
GradPro is a software system for post-secondary
educational institutions. It combines the
capabilities of an SIS (Student Information
System) and a student records database to
integrate administrative and academic
departments on campus[4].
Smart e-School, developed by UCLA’s
Center for Digital Innovation (CDI), is a new
approach that uses recent digital technology to
teach primary and secondary students. To this
end, the system works from a comprehensive and
integrated environment and coordinates the
efforts of students, parents, teachers, and
administrators. Smart e-School addresses all
aspects of education for all of its participants by
including: an integrated curriculum, interactive
teaching-learning applications, formative and
summative assessment tools, individual and
cooperative learning routines, and community
involvement [5].
Digital School is a comprehensive software
solution that automates and streamlines
educational processes and administration, and
facilitates collaboration among students, parents,
teachers, administrators and management to
optimize operational efficiency, leverage assets
that are build over time, minimize costs,
maximize resource utilization[6].
Automate the Schools (ATS) is a schoolbased administrative system which standardizes
and automates the collection and reporting of
data for all students in the New York City Public
Schools since 1988. It provides for automated
entry and reporting of citywide student
biographical data; on-line admissions,
discharges, and transfers; attendance; grade
promotion; pupil transportation and exam
processing; and many other functions. In
addition, it has a school-based management
component that supplies aggregate student data,
human resources data, and purchasing
information for use by school administrators and
school-based management committees [7].
In the ongoing manual management of
school administration, teaching and other school
activities might be encountered a number of
irregularities. As disadvantages of this type of
management we can count disinformation,
missing a fair or accurate communication and
meticulous miscommunications about grades,
absences or behavior in general of the students at
the school, whereas should be communicated to
the parent / educator /charge of his child, not intime information on parental meetings and other
school events. It is evident that the class teachers
in high schools can misuse their positions and
change confident data and grades in different
subjects of other teachers/colleges for granting a
The classical manual method of school
management sometimes disables a good
monitoring and evidence of students’
performances, miss information on parental
meetings and other school events.
The school administration officers are in charge
for carrying out management tasks and they are
using paper based documentation. The process of
registering students, forming classes and
assigning teachers and class teachers, is done
manually by the register administrator where
larger effort is needed and unreasonably time
consumed. Also, the reports, transcripts and
other report documents are produced manually
by the class teachers or administration officer
which is time consuming, effort requiring and
difficult to find and gather all the needed data
into the document. If the student is graduated
couple of years ago it is difficult task for the
administrator to produce reports and transcripts.
Attendance of students is recorded manually by
each teacher keeping attendance sheets. The
class teacher has to collect the attendance sheets
and review and summarize absentees, which is
time consuming process.
Due to the inefficiency of the current manual
management, the need to create a computerized
management model arises in order to efficiently
handle management tasks. Approach of using
electronic school management, a web-services
based electronic model that is proposed in this
paper will try to prevent these irregularities. This
e- model is aimed to be more efficient and easy
to use and to enable easy and professional
communication, compared to the manual paperbased method. It is intended to enable the parents
and students reliable and truthful information
about their education, efficient and reliable
communication of the class teacher to other
teachers (colleagues), parents and students and
having all their professional and organizational
activities in school better reflected. Mainly, it
aims an efficient and improved quality of school
Functionalities of the e-SMS Software
Main objectives of this e-SMS model are:
To enable teachers, parents, and school
administration officers to view students
and teachers profiles,
To register students and teachers online,
To make easy and efficient attendance
and grading maintenance,
To enable generation of reports and
The class teacher will have the rights to check
and update students’ profiles, to get in-time/at
any time information via email about the
condition of each student
(health/social/performance condition, their
possible absence/justification) and any upcoming
school event and get notification on upcoming
school events. The “not in-charge” persons will
not be able to modify the confident data in
students’ profiles, defined by their limited role
rights. In addition, the student will be able to
inform his class teacher for any unforeseen event
about absence from the learning process;
students will have the opportunity to
communicate teachers via email from within the
application itself, and will have access to folders
of teachers to read lectures, various articles,
homework etc.
The parent as a key factor in this whole
process of his child's education is necessarily a
direct participant. His participation means a
passive activity; he will be able to review the
educational performance of his child (grades and
discipline); will be timely, faithfully and
correctly informed about the behavior and
performance of his child via electronic mails and
announcements on their child’s profile; to
contact the class teacher or any other teacher via
email; without any mediation the parent will be
notified and get up to date with the general
situation and upcoming events in the school via
Additionally, this e- school management
model will offer tasks such as registering
students, teachers, forming classes, keeping track
of teachers’ and students’ attendance and
profiles; teacher can view and edit personal
profile, edit, view and search student’s profile;
parent can view and search child’s profile;
teachers, parents, teachers and administration
officers and directorate (principle, psychologist,
pedagogic) can generate reports, official
transcript, and other specified reports.
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