Best School Kumbakonam
Challenging tomorrow’s school leaders
to develop deep understanding and respect for
alternative conceptions and responses to
everyday leadership issues is a major
undertaking. Incorporating layers of deep
reflection in exchange for surface learning
approaches to common practices and everyday
events in the life of school leaders amounts to a
challenge against the status quo of leadership
tradition. This paper presents a description of
the rationale and developmental stages of the
Global Forum on School Leadership. Conceived
as an extension to the existing reflective and
dialogic practices of a pre-service leader
preparation program in the mid-west of the
United States, the forum attempts to incorporate
the perspectives of global colleagues on issues
related to everyday practices and school
leadership conundrums in a mediated,
asynchronous, web-based discussion format.
This project adds a needed global orientation to
leadership preparation in a post September 11th
international context.
Project Rationale for the Global Forum on
School Leadership
Developing leadership expertise requires
foundational knowledge and use of inquiry and
reflective practice skills applied in context
specific experiences. These experiences provide
opportunity for the integration of theory and
practice focusing on school improvement. Yet,
the contextualizing of leadership experiences in
traditional and unvarying cultural contexts often
presents its own limitations, particularly during
the formative period of leadership philosophies,
perspectives, and practices. For that reason, the
idea of incorporating a global orientation to
leadership preparation, particularly in a post
September 11th national and international
context, has merit on many fronts.
Challenging tomorrow’s school leaders
to develop deeper understanding of areas of
responsibility and of professional behaviors
related to topics of professional concern will
occur following involvement in collegial
analysis of views and experiences that vary
from the norm or the expected. Intellectual and
professional challenges to the status quo, to the
standard and expected culturally derived
response, will result from the global
interactions contained within this shared
international forum project.
Description of the Context of the Project
The Masters in Educational
Administration at Wichita State University has
been designed to prepare visionary, reflective
leaders for Kansas schools. This integrated
program prepares future school leaders to be
competent in leadership, interpersonal
relationships, school law, school finance,
school personnel, curriculum management,
learning theory, inquiry, human development,
school improvement processes, and
supervision, and grooms them to become
administrators who create and maintain
effective schools. The program strives to
ground educational leaders in administrative
theory and practice, and applied inquiry.
Challenging tomorrow’s school leaders
to develop deep understanding and respect for
alternative conceptions and responses to
everyday leadership issues is a major
undertaking. Incorporating layers of deep
reflection in exchange for surface learning
approaches to common practices and everyday
events in the life of school leaders amounts to a
challenge against the status quo of leadership
tradition. This paper presents a description of
the rationale and developmental stages of the
Global Forum on School Leadership. Conceived
as an extension to the existing reflective and
dialogic practices of a pre-service leader
preparation program in the mid-west of the
United States, the forum attempts to incorporate
the perspectives of global colleagues on issues
related to everyday practices and school
leadership conundrums in a mediated,
asynchronous, web-based discussion format.
This project adds a needed global orientation to
leadership preparation in a post September 11th
international context.

Project Rationale for the Global Forum on
School Leadership
Developing leadership expertise requires
foundational knowledge and use of inquiry and
reflective practice skills applied in context
specific experiences. These experiences provide
opportunity for the integration of theory and
practice focusing on school improvement. Yet,
the contextualizing of leadership experiences in
traditional and unvarying cultural contexts often
presents its own limitations, particularly during
the formative period of leadership philosophies,
perspectives, and practices. For that reason, the
idea of incorporating a global orientation to
leadership preparation, particularly in a post
September 11th national and international
context, has merit on many fronts.
Challenging tomorrow’s school leaders
to develop deeper understanding of areas of
responsibility and of professional behaviors
related to topics of professional concern will
occur following involvement in collegial
analysis of views and experiences that vary
from the norm or the expected. Intellectual and
professional challenges to the status quo, to the
standard and expected culturally derived
response, will result from the global
interactions contained within this shared
international forum project.
Description of the Context of the Project
The Masters in Educational
Administration at Wichita State University has
been designed to prepare visionary, reflective
leaders for Kansas schools. This integrated
program prepares future school leaders to be
competent in leadership, interpersonal
relationships, school law, school finance,
school personnel, curriculum management,
learning theory, inquiry, human development,
school improvement processes, and
supervision, and grooms them to become
administrators who create and maintain
effective schools. The program strives to
ground educational leaders in administrative
theory and practice, and applied inquiry. |
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