Best Girls School in Kumbakonam
Our approachto thisproblem is to develop practical teaching material synthesizing topics(a) through (c)mentioned above. The developed teaching material is an automatic watering system in which soil water is measured and used as feedback to control the watering mechanism. This is similar to the Go Green Institute for middle school students in whichthe 10-day learning experience integratesbiology/life science, chemistry/physical science, and math/engineering by framing instruction and activities around climate change and sustainability issues.
When using this system as a teaching material in junior high schools, the topics covered would include
(1) making a watering mechanism;
(2) making a soil water sensor;
(3) examining the characteristics of the soil water sensor in particular types of soil;
(4) setting up themicrocontrollerboard;
(5) writing programs on the boardand testing whether theycan control the watering system properly. Making a watering mechanismrequires both creativity and ingenuity, and will allowstudentstoacquire knowledge and skills related to“materials and their processing”. This activityalso teaches“energy transformation”,asthe system includes direct current (DC)motors. Making a soil water sensor and examining the characteristics of the sensor will helpstudentsto acquirebasic knowledgeof how to use sensors in “measurement and control”. It also covers“growth of living things”, asthe characteristic of the sensor is dependent on the characteristics of the particular type of soil. Settingup the microcontroller board and writing programson the board cover “measurement and control by programming”, and since thegoal of theprogramming is toproperly water the soil, it also covers“growth of living things”.
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