Design of Education Companion systems
From visits conducted thus far, there are a number of approaches that would be applicable to engineering stu- dents. No one should expect that we replicate the learning methods and incorporate kindergarten or lower elementary techniques at the college level. However, there are several general attributes applicable to learning of engineering topics:
1) Every teacher I observed was interested in his or her students and this was obvious to the students.
2) The teacher helped create excitement, curiosity, and interest in learning.
3) A great amount of cooperative learning among stu- dents existed.
4) A remarkable amount of feedback was provided the learner by constant recognition, awards and rewards.
5) Topics were greatly modularized.
6) Students progressed at different rates.
7) No penalty for trying and failing existed.
8) Never were there periods of long lecturing with stu- dent passive listening.
9) A high level of exploratory and discovery efforts ex- isted.
10) There was a rather surprisingly high use of information technologies like computers.
Discipline within the learning process varies greatly between any group of students whether in third grade or a college senior class, and even day-to-day by an individual. Generally, we like to believe that our college students can focus and discipline their attention to significantly greater depth, detail and length than can younger learners. Multi- ple learning styles exist among students of all ages. How- ever, engineering students will generally have a learning style described as concrete, specific, left-brain, linear or logical.
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