Study on the resource construction of the modern ICSE School - Karthi Vidhyalaya International ICSE School
Study on the resource construction of the modern ICSE School - Karthi Vidhyalaya International ICSE School
In order to promote the high-quality educational resourcessharing in urban and rural areas and improve the quality andefficiencyofrural education, China began to carry out themodem distance education project in rural primary andsecondary schools, for instance, it has been pushing forward inthe rural areasofcentral and western China. The mostimportant wayofdistance education resources giving play toutility is to apply them to the teaching in rural primary andsecondary schools, therefore, the applicationofdistanceeducation resources has a direct impact on the effectivenessofcarrying out the project.Modern distance education project in rural primary andsecondary schools mainly uses the three kindsofmodels andfacilities: disc-playing section, satellite education receive-site,and computer classroom to alleviate the applicationofinformation tools and methods in poor remote mountain areas,and convey the high-quality educational resources to rural andunder-developed areas, and resolve the problemsofmajorityofrural areas education such as: lackofteaching resources,shortageofteachers, low qualityofeducation. Read More
Some of the essential qualities for being our teacher includes
- Being a mother to every child who comes to learn in the institution
- Being ready to learn on a continuous basis and upgrade knowledge
- Commitment to our philosophy
- Appreciation of Indian culture and value systems
- Commitment towards sustained hard work
Via satellite receiving system, these schools can receive alarge numberofteachingresources about synchronousclassroom, demonstration lessons, teaching and teacher trainingmaterialsofcurriculum reform training and information ducation, as well as can receive the scientific andtechnologicalknowledgeandmarketinformationonagricultural economy and technologyofseeding and breeding,and at the same time, has the functionofteaching disc-playingsection. The characteristicsofthe model are rich in resourcesand updating timely, and at the same time meeting theeducational needs, but also popularizing practical science andtechnology, and deliverying market economy information forpeasant , and providing service to carry out the moderndistance educationofCommunist Party members and cadres
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