Information technology is an integral part of the life of the state, society, humanity and largely determines further social, economic and political development. The World Summit on the Information Society acknowledged that information and communication technologies (ICTs) can enhance confidence in the future, in particular by giving humanity a way in which it can change people's activities, relationships and lives.Best School in Kumbakonam Legal, socio-economic, organizational, educational and upbringing principles of after-school education, institutions of after-school education are disclosed by the Laws of Ukraine “On Education” , “On After-School Education”, “On Childhood Protection”, National Doctrine of Educational Development, Concept of After-School Education and Upbringing, Regulations on After-School education and more. The study of scientific and methodological sources has shown the presence of a wide range of research in different directions of development and application of information technologies. In particular, the pedagogical potential, psychological and pedagogical aspects of information technologies.
Analysis of the problems of information technologies, showed their extreme relevance. The basic concepts and terms used in information technology are “information”, “information process”, “information system” and others. It has been established that information technology is a system object that includes various components. Among them, we highlight the structural, procedural and substantive components of information technology. It is determined that the structural components of information technologies are hardware and software, information resources, user; procedural – the collection, storage, processing and use of information; content – personal computer, software, peripherals, and more.Kumbakonam Matric School List System-building element of information technology is information, which has different kinds depending on the type of ways of its acquisition, storage and transfer. Thus, the main types of information are statistical information; the mass media; information of reference and encyclopedic nature; sociological information and more. It is established, that the important features of the information are its quality and stability. At the same time, the use of information requires its assimilation and processing, which leads to the transformation of information into knowledge. |